Some species of ants enter tiny cracks in your home looking for spills and other food in the kitchen. Ants range from the larger size all the way down to tiny. They tend to travel on trails established by scout ants looking for food. Along the way, there are pheromones to help guide the ant colony members—straight to your kitchen!
Home ant control can be frustrating and time consuming process, and often involves chemicals the average cook does not want around food. That’s why a professional service can be such a great tool. We offer guaranteed ant control for your home or business.
of Ants
Ants can be distinguished from other types of bugs by their distinctive three-part body: the head, thorax, abdomen portions are distinct and separate, not to be confused with a termite, which does not have the three distinct body parts. There are many different types of ants, some of which remain outdoors, and some that prefer enjoying the sweet things in your kitchen.
controlling Ants
Ants are problematic for the homeowner, since they can easily find a tiny space in a structure from which to invade a home. By keeping food stuffs in tightly sealed containers and wiping spills immediately, a home is less likely to be victimized by the presence of ants. Once an ant trail has been established, it’s more difficult to control them.